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Youth & Family Programs

Join in on Sundays

Our Youth & Family Program curriculum is going strong!

Every Sunday, youth from kindergarten-12th grade have an opportunity to learn about the teachings at the Center and other religions and enjoy participating in spiritual craft activities.

Whether you are able to join us in the classroom Sundays at 11am, or you participate from home by following along with our free recorded lessons, our intention is to create a fun, interactive, and age-appropriate experience to learn about world religions and spiritual teachings. We’ll use crafts to help deepen children’s understanding of the message of each story, along with additional material for Tweens and Teens to help them better understand the impact of these lessons on their individual lives. For illustration, we use science, nature, history, art and parables from all the world’s religions and cultures.

How to Participate

In-Person: Sundays at 11am in our youth classrooms.From Home: Recorded lessons will be posted to our YouTube channel weekly. Subscribe to be notified when a new lesson goes live.
Did you know? CSL Seattle has a family viewing room for families with younger children.

If you have any questions about our youth programs, contact Janell Shiers, Youth & Family Program Director 206-527-8801 x 5120 or

Join our CSL Youth & Family Facebook group for regularly updated content.

Our Mission

Imagine a world where youth and their families can freely express their Inner Greatness, their true nature, in the Universal Love that is Spirit. Participants in the IGNITE Youth & Family Programs learn to seek and express Universal Love as the guiding Principle and Presence in all that we think, say, and do — resulting in the emergence of a harmonious and joyful world.


  • We support youth and their families by providing opportunities for them to become more aware of the nature and activity of Spirit as their Inner Greatness.
  • We empower youth to create fun, beautiful and meaningful expressions of their learning and understanding of Spirit and to stand strongly in Truth.
  • We encourage youth to appreciate the Good in all life, recognizing and expressing their “Greatness On Demand”.
  • We educate youth with stories, principles, and practices that help them grow spiritually, in fun, playful, and meaningful ways.
  • We inspire our youth to express Universal Love through service, which means giving their time, talent, and treasure to expand the Good in the world.
  • We ignite awakening and the feeling of the Light within, fanning the flames of Universal Love for all.


If you have any questions about our youth programs, contact Janell Shiers, Youth & Family Program Director 206-527-8801 x 5120 or