Soup-er Bowl XII 2025
Beat Hunger in Our Communities Jan 19-Feb 9, 2025
Center for Spiritual Living Seattle invites you to join us in a “Souper Opportunity” to BEAT HUNGER in our communities.
This fun and friendly competition between spiritual centers benefits our neighbors in need. Starting in January and ending on Super Bowl Sunday, the competition is designed to see who can collect the most donations of canned soup and stew. We also collect cash donations.
This friendly competition started in 2014 when Center for Spiritual Living Seattle teamed up with Denver’s Mile High Church, and it’s been a huge success ever since. In 2024, CSL Seattle partnered with four other spiritual centers and raised a total of $11,230 in donations benefiting the University District Food Bank, North Helpline Food Bank, and PNA Hot Meal Program.
How to Participate
Make a donation of canned food or cash to support our neighbors in need served by the University District Food Bank, N. Helpline Food Bank (Lake City), and PNA Hot Meal Program (Phinney Neighborhood Association).
- Credit Card Donation
- Through CSL Seattle’s Facebook Fundraiser, texting “souper” to 844-315-7968, call Michael Oliver at 206-527-8801 ex. 5109, or by clicking here and adding “Souper Bowl” to the comment section.
- Give using Venmo, @CSLSeattle (note that is for “Souper”).
- Directly to the Beneficiary Organization (tell them you’re with CSL and then tell us about it)
- Drop off Cans, Checks or Cash with Volunteers outside the CSL Sanctuary Sundays between 9am and noon or during the week at the CSL Office between 11am and 4:30 pm (PLEASE do not leave cans or other donations if no one is there to accept them. Masking and social distancing will be observed.)
- Cans = cases or individual cans of soup, stew, chili, tuna, chicken and/or beans
- Make Souper Bowl Donation Checks out to one of the following:
- University District Food Bank
- N. Helpline Food Bank (Lake City)
- PNA Hot Meal Program (Phinney Neighborhood Association)
If you need assistance, contact: CSL Seattle Volunteer Team Leader Cathy Lindsay or CSL Seattle Operations Manager Rev. Patric A. Creelman.
Soup-er Bowl Stats and Fun Facts
The real winners are the people who are served by the area Food Banks, who benefited from the thousands of cans of donated food. Together, we achieved our goals of joining forces to BEAT HUNGER, and, along the way, showing as much support for our neighbors as we do for our sports teams.
2023 “Soup-er Bowl X”
Team: CSL Seattle, Amazing Grace, Bellevue-Unity, CSL-Olympia, Lynnwood-Unity
Results: 13,241 cans of soup, stew, and dollars donated
2022 “Soup-er Bowl IX”
Team: CSL Seattle
Results: 12,088 cans of soup, stew, and dollars donated
2021 “Soup-er Bowl VIII”
Team: CSL Seattle
Results: 16,022 cans of soup, stew, and dollars donated
2020 “Soup-er Bowl VII”
Teams: Amazing Grace Spiritual Center, CSL Seattle, Genesis Global Spiritual Center, and Unity of Bellevue
Results: 24,485 cans of soup, stew, and dollars donated
Per Capita Winner: Amazing Grace Spiritual Center
2019 “Soup-er Bowl VI”
Teams: Amazing Grace Spiritual Center, CSL Seattle, Genesis Global Spiritual Center, and Unity of Bellevue
Results: 17,578 cans of soup, stew, and dollars donated
Per Capita Winner: Genesis Global Spiritual Center
2018 “Soup-er Bowl V”
Teams: Amazing Grace Spiritual Center, CSL Olympia, CSL Redding, CSL Seattle, and Genesis Global Spiritual Center
Results: 16,056 cans of soup and stew donated
Per Capita Winner: Genesis Global Spiritual Center
2017 “Soup-er Bowl IV”
Teams: CSL-Corona, Center for Joyful Living Delaware, CSL-Jacksonville, CSL-Temecula Valley, CSL San Jose, CSL-Santa Rosa, Amazing Grace, Genesis Global Spiritual Center and CSL Seattle
Results: 15,699 cans of Soup and Stew donated
Per Capita Winner: Amazing Grace were the champions three years running!
2016 “Soup-er Bowl III”
Teams: Amazing Grace and CSL Seattle
Results: Over 6,000 cans of Soup and Stew donated
Per Capita Winner: Amazing Grace
2015 “Soup-er Bowl II”
Teams: CSL Seattle, Amazing Grace Spiritual Center, and Genesis Global Spiritual Center
Results: Over 6,400 cans donated
Per Capita Winner: Amazing Grace
2014 “Soup-er Bowl I”
Teams: CSL Seattle and Denver’s Mile Hi Church (whose NFL Teams the Seahawks and Broncos were squaring off in Super Bowl 48)
Results: Between them, the two organizations donated more than 11,000 cans of food to local food banks
Per Capita Winner: The friendly competition was declared a tie and a huge win in the effort to love our neighbors and BEAT Hunger!