Prayer Support
Make a Prayer Request
Call: 206-524-7729 (PRAY)
Email: PrayerRequest@SpiritualLiving.org
Inspiration Line: 206-525-4438 (GIFT)
Live Online Prayer Support
Sundays, immediately following services in the Sanctuary or at 10am or 12pm on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/412243503
The CSL Seattle Practitioner Core provides powerful, effective prayer support for anyone seeking counsel. We are here to affirm and know for you that your Good is unfolding right here, right now in absolutely every area of your life regardless of outward appearances. There is no desire too large or too small in God. Radiant good health, loving relationships, a fulfilling career, abundant prosperity and much more are all available through our alignment with Spirit.
When you access prayer through our community, you connect with a Practitioner who has dedicated his or her life to knowing the Truth about each and every one of us – that we are blessed, individualized expressions of Spirit, and through our sacred partnership with the One Mind, all things are possible.
What is a Practitioner?
“It is the practitioner’s business to uncover God in everyone.” ~ Ernest Holmes
Our Professional Prayer Practitioners access both their passion for prayer and their compassion for every person in need of support to connect with the Power, Presence, and Love of God that lies within each of us. Through affirmative prayer, they partner with you to transform your life and manifest the GOOD that you desire.
Practitioners offer free weekly Prayer Support after Sunday services or assistance through private consultation (see below). You may submit your request for prayer to the Prayer Request Line at 206-524-7729 or email PrayerRequest@SpiritualLiving.org.
What is Affirmative Prayer (Spiritual Mind Treatment)?
“If when one prays their prayer is a recognition of Spirit’s Omniscience, Omnipotence, and Omnipresence, and a realization of our unity with Spirit, then their prayer is a spiritual mind treatment.” ~ Ernest Holmes
Affirmative Prayer is a scientific form of prayer that recognizes God/Spirit as the invisible source of all Life and that we each, as individuals, are one with that Life. The affirmative prayer process reawakens us to the Truth of our essential perfection and oneness with the I Am. That “new” awareness allows us to manifest the outcome(s) we desire. There are no limits to what we can achieve through prayer.
How Can I Access Ongoing Prayer Support?
Professional Prayer Practitioners at CSL Seattle are here to lovingly partner with you in navigating life’s challenges and creating your best life possible. Through private coaching sessions and ongoing prayer support, we can support you in any way you wish. Some examples include:
- Spiritual growth and evolution
- Healing (Physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual)
- Personal and career success
- Abundance and prosperity
- Fostering healthy relationships
- Processing issues in any area of your life
“In this practice, a practitioner is rising above the confusion and everything that contradicts the Divine Harmony.” ~ Ernest Holmes
Practitioner coaching sessions are a professional service with accompanying fees. Individual Practitioners set their own fees which can range from $50 to $150 or more per session. Some offer a sliding scale; feel free to discuss rates with any one of our Practitioners. We are always happy to work with you.
Practitioners consider client confidentiality as sacred and inviolate. What is shared in a session is private and never discussed with anyone.
Additional Support Opportunities
CSL Seattle offers many additional opportunities for prayer and support. Please click below for details: