Practitioner Services
Prayer Request Line
Available by phone or email, the Prayer Request Line is an easy way for you to be supported by our Prayer Practitioners. Your request for yourself or another is considered confidential and sacred and is held in consciousness by over 70 Practitioners on our prayer support team.
Submit your request for prayer to the Prayer Request Line at 206-524-7729 or email PrayerRequest@SpiritualLiving.org.
Inspiration Line
Are you needing some inspiration or pick-me-up? Dial our Inspiration Line, 206-525-4438, for a daily, pre-recorded message to help you feel connected to the Divine within.
Connection Circles
These are small groups of (6-8) community members who gather in host homes for weekly two-hour meetings to connect, share from the heart, and support one another in prayer. Led by a trained facilitator these meetings center around a spiritual topic or book.
One Life Animal Ministry
This ministry’s purpose is honoring and nurturing the bond of love between animals and humans. We sponsor an annual pet blessing on a Sunday at the Center. The Grief Circle is available to support people who have lost their pets or are dealing with a terminally ill animal.
Spiritual Tune-Ups
These are confidential and sacred, 10-15-minute Practitioner prayer sessions, offered several times a year to anyone in the community on specific Sundays after service. These are free sessions, although a love offering is recommended. Visit the events calendar for upcoming dates.
Recovery Ministry
These groups of community members bridge all paths of recovery including 12 Steps and the teachings of Science of Mind. We explore how CSL teachings can enhance recovery and how recovery can broaden spiritual life!
2nd and 4th Sundays, 9-10:30am PT
Join us weekly on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/94044485707
Contact: Jack O’Berg at jack.oberg@hotmail.com, 206-949-9050
Living Well During Illness Support Group
The Living Well During Illness Support Group provides compassionate support to individuals facing health challenges. They create a safe and inclusive space where participants can freely express their emotions, fears, and uncertainties related to their illnesses, while incorporating elements of faith and spirituality into their healing journeys.
Are you dealing with cancer or other illness? Join in this drop-in support group to help nurture your spirit while your body heals.
Join Tuesdays 1-2pm PT by Phone Only. Email info@spiritualliving.org for the conference call number.
Reaching Out
The purpose of the Reaching Out ministry is to offer personal contact and support to those in need in our community. Support may include phone calls, emails or a visit. The homebound, one recovering from surgery, chronically ill or receiving a new diagnosis benefit from a sense of connection with us. Our community goes beyond the walls of our building.
If you need support, contact Nancy Rice at npricenpr@gmail.com.
Life Celebrations Ministry
The Life Celebrations Ministry is a loving, heart centered team whose purpose is to serve the Center for Spiritual Living Seattle community as the needs for sacred life celebrations and ceremonies arise in their lives.
The Life Celebrations Ministry Team is the hub for those in need, providing beautiful, meaningful ceremonies that honor the key moments, or life celebrations, in the lives of our community members. We also offer referrals and community support for those who are experiencing transitions in their lives.