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Why Give?

Center for Spiritual Living Is Possible Thanks to People Like You

Your generous support is what keeps Center for Spiritual Living vital, growing in service, and able to translate our vision into reality. Donations large and small help us to support not only our current programs but lay a groundwork and foundation for us to grow and flourish and reach many more in our community.

If you have ever been inspired or empowered by a Center for Spiritual Living program or service, please support our community with your financial giving. Whether you can give $10 or $100,000, know that every gift is a major gift! If you regularly benefit from our teachings and community, please become a supporter and sustainer of our community through your Intentional Gift.


TEXT TO GIVE: Text ‘give’ to 844-315-7968


Intentional Giving

Intentional Giving is the fundamental building block of our budget. Your contribution makes it possible for us to continue providing accessible transformational experiences and teaching to those who otherwise may not have access.

When you commit to giving, you enter into a relationship with our community and its offerings. You determine an amount of money that you will contribute to CSL throughout the year and fill out an Intentional Giving Form. If you need to update your commitment at any time simply email



You have the option of choosing Auto-Give, which provides the convenience of making a recurring contribution automatically. Click below to give a one-time contribution or schedule a recurring contribution today by choosing weekly, every 2 weeks, monthly or yearly.

Become a Sustaining Donor

Sustaining donors provide CSL Seattle with a dependable base of revenue used to sustain our community and help us strategically plan for our future. As a sustainer, your contribution is ongoing until you say otherwise, giving you complete control. Most importantly, sustaining donors have the satisfaction of knowing they are always actively doing their part to keep CSL Seattle thriving.

When you make your Intentional Giving Commitment or Scheduled Contribution you can become one of our Sustaining Donors. Simply select the option to have your payments ongoing until you contact CSL to cancel it. (If you leave the option un-checked, your payments will stop after one year.)


Spiritual Giving as a Form of Prayer

Spiritual Giving is an opportunity to express our gratitude, practice spiritual law, and open our consciousness to receive greater abundance. Those who are serious about their spiritual growth will see every opportunity to give as an opportunity to grow. You will benefit most from spiritual giving when you follow these simple suggestions:


Thoughts on Tithing

Tithing connects us to God and our Spiritual Community. It also invites us to bring that same giving spirit and deeper sense of connection to our work and our relationship with money.

A tithe is not viewed as a gift, but rather as a portion of our income left with Source in acknowledgement of the good we have already received and shall continue to receive in the future. Much as a farmer would return a certain percentage of his crop to the soil as seed to guarantee a future harvest, a tithe is a percentage of our abundance given automatically to that place where we feel closest to the Source. Tithing connects us to God and reminds us that It is the true source of our good.

Tithe literally means “a tenth,” but most people start with a smaller percentage – one that they are comfortable with – and work their way up as they enjoy results. Tithing is not for everybody; it is intended for those with a desire to learn to live by faith. For them, tithing is always a life-changing experience.

Spiritual growth is a function of our willingness to make a commitment. Tithing is a tool used successfully by many to learn the power of commitment. Used correctly, tithing is a discipline that helps us develop a giving consciousness and a firm trust in the Source.


Percentage Giving Chart

People often look for guidance on how much to give. While Spiritual Giving is part of your personal relationship with Source, you may find the chart below a useful tool to see how much you would give monthly to meet your desired percentage giving goal based on your annual income.

Other Ways to Give

There are numerous ways to share your gifts with Center for Spiritual Living:

  • Volunteer at Center for Spiritual Living!
  • Make and In-Kind Donation
  • Give Stocks
  • Make Center for Spiritual Living part of your Legacy planning.
  • Corporate Matching: Many local corporations in Seattle offer matching gifts for registered charities and 501(c)3 organizations. While Center for Spiritual Living as a spiritual community may be excluded, matching donations to our service arm, Create a Better World (CBW), are often allowed.

If you have questions about giving or prefer to contact us directly:

Contact Michael Oliver at 206-527-8801, ext. 5109 or

Legacy Giving

Legacy gifts extend your philanthropy beyond your lifetime.

For 100 years, the Center for Spiritual Living Seattle has been changing lives for the better and making the world a better place through our education and community building activities. You are the catalyst for positive change and we ask, “If your life has been changed by these teachings, why not create the same opportunity for future generations?” A will is perhaps the most important document you can have. It is critical to making sure your wishes are carried out exactly as you desire and could help the Center secure a brighter future for spiritual life of generations to come.

When you name the Center for Spiritual Living Seattle in your will, you become part of a much bigger impact on creating a better world through spiritual education and community building. Your gift doesn’t have to be large to make a difference – no matter how big or small, there are plenty of ways you can contribute. You can designate your contributions in support of current programs and services or our new scholarship fund, where your gift provides ongoing income derived from investments to help us support our current community and reach others who crave a spiritual connection.

Learn more about planning your Spiritual Legacy with Center for Spiritual Living Seattle >>


Center for Spiritual Living Operating Fund

Your contribution to the Center for Spiritual Living Operating Fund supports the expansion and up leveling of a broad range of spiritual and life-enriching programs, so our Center can become even more purpose-driven, expand current program and services, become a world class spiritual education institution, turn vision into reality, and better serve our membership, our community, and the world.

Centennial Legacy Endowment Fund

Our community offers rich opportunities for education and community building through classes and retreats.  Your contribution to the Centennial Legacy Endowment Fund will be invested and our Center will receive yearly distributions to be used for scholarships providing financial assistance to help any person seeking to advance their education through our spiritual education courses, as well as to help people attend our most important community building event, Seabeck Summer Camp.

There are many ways CSL can be included in our estate planning, including bequests in your will, beneficial designation, and qualified retirement plans. Please refer to our Gifting Policy, for more information. We strongly suggest meeting with an attorney or estate planner to ensure your intentions are clear.

For additional information about the Centennial Legacy Endowment Fund, please see our FAQ and Spending Policy.