What is Gourmets for God?
Gourmets for God is an inspired and fun-filled series of food-related events and opportunities for each of us to gather together, share some delicious food, support Center for Spiritual Living, and get to know others in our community.
Events include delicious food and other activities of all kinds; casual picnics, cooking classes, elegant meals, and fun food-related outings. Attend an event by bidding on a seat at the event during our annual Gourmets for God Silent Auction! Events in will be held April-December and may be held in-person or virtually, serving our global community.
Attend an Event
Bid on a seat at the silent auction!
Gourmets for God 2025 – Important Dates
Recruitment: Feb 16, 23, March 2, 9
Online Auction: April 11 – May 4
Auction Sundays: April 13, 20, 27, May 4
To Bid Online, Visit Silent Auction Pro (auction link to be active in April)
2025 AUCTION BOOK (coming soon)
How do I bid on events in the Silent Auction?
If you’ve participated in other silent auctions before, you have most likely placed a bid to buy the whole event. The Gourmets for God Silent Auction operates differently, however. Rather than bidding on the event itself, you’ll be bidding for one seat at a specific event. If the event accommodates six people, then you will be bidding for just one of six possible seats. You can also bid for more than one seat if you plan to take a guest.
The Gourmets for God Silent Auction is ONLINE. There will also be a Gourmet for Gods information table in the lobby. To get registered as an official bidder, click the Silent Auction Pro link and then “Log-In/Register to Bid” on the top right or visit the Gourmets for God Registration Table on campus. Download your Auction Book or pick it up in person to view all events, get tips for bidding, and help you keep track of your bids. There is no fee to register for the auction and your credit card information is held securely and won’t be accessible to anyone else. You will only be charged when you win something!
While anyone can bid, and we do not place any limits on the number of events you can bid on, your bid is financially binding and you will be charged for all events for which you have submitted a winning bid. Please note that should any event need to be cancelled you will be offered the opportunity for a full refund. You do not need to be a CSL member to participate.
Winning Bids
Upon winning, your bids will be processed on your credit card a few days following the close of the auction. You will receive an email with the event information and receipt. The event host will then contact you with the final details for attending. Happy bidding and enjoy your wins!
Tips about Bidding!
The Regular auction events have individual tiles to represent each available seat. To get the best deal, place your bid on a spot that says Current Bid: No Bid. If all the tiles already have bids placed on them, place your higher bid on one of the tiles to keep the bidding going.
Note: You will receive notification of being “outbid” via text message or email depending on which option you chose when registering.
The Buy-It-Now auction events have one tile showing the remaining number of seats available. To secure your spot, simply click on the tile and click the green “Buy It” button.
A Special Note
Please note that Gourmets for God events are considered private events sponsored by the event host and chef. Event hosts determine any and all event restrictions. It is at the host’s discretion to incorporate Covid safety guidelines. If you have any questions about event restrictions, please reach out to the event host directly.
Get Involved
Host an Event!
Do you like to host events big and small, enjoy good food, and, most importantly, make new friends?
If yes! Then, being a Gourmets for God host might be the thing for you.
Every year we seek event hosts and chefs to create inspired opportunities for people involved in the Center for Spiritual Living community to gather in-person or virtually and get to know one another.
Download a Form to become a Host
Gourmets for God events include delicious food and other activities of all kinds; casual picnics, cooking classes, elegant meals, fun food related outings, and can be in-person or virtual – the sky is the limit! Take a look at an example Auction Book for ideas.
If you have an event in mind, review the Event Creation Cheat Sheet, download the event form and return it to gourmets@spiritualliving.org. If you have any questions about hosting or need some help with your idea, contact the Gourmets for God Team at gourmets@spiritualliving.org.
We thank you for making Gourmets for God Auction a success this and every year!
Thank you to everyone who offers events, venues, food good vibes and most importantly, your bids.
Our Center Thrives because of each of you.
Your time, passion and energy make it all possible.