Many Faiths. One Community.
At CSL Seattle, we come from all walks of life, faiths and spiritual traditions. What binds us together as a community is our commitment to inspiring and supporting each other in connecting to what is larger than ourselves — and working to be a force for good in our world.
All are welcome. Join us.
Every Sunday morning we offer services that honor all paths to God and the Universal Truths found in world religions. Join us for music and a message to inspire and ignite your spirit.
From meditation and practical spirituality to diving deep into sacred texts, we invite you to explore courses and events that help you build tools and a base of wisdom upon which you can create the life you desire.
Wherever you are in life’s journey, we’re here to support you. Our drop-in community groups offer connection and a no-judgement atmosphere for all.
Soup-er Bowl Sundays
Let’s BEAT HUNGER in our communities!
Drop off canned soup & stew on Sundays
through February 9th.
This fun and friendly competition benefits
our neighbors in need.
Cash Donations are welcome!
What We Believe
We start with the simple proposition that a Higher Power, known by many names in many different traditions around the world, is a force for good — not only around, but also within, every individual.
Our doors—and hearts—are open to all who are seeking wisdom, inspiration and connection.
Does this ring true to you? Explore further with us.